Hire top Remote Elixir developers in Washington
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs working remotely in Washington. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Remote Elixir developers from Washington or similar timezones
Full Stack Web Developer
I’m a freelance full-stack web developer in Seattle, WA. For the past five years I’ve worked with clients on several Elixir web projects, from small form-based signup sites to complex applications ser... -
Open Source Loving Tinkerer
I am a jack of all trades developer who enjoys building reliable, scalable services as much as fine-tuning deployment pipelines. I've gained a broad range of skills working on small, dynamic teams and... -
Developer, Manager, sometimes Project Manager
WA - United States
Long time developer and computer guy. I grew my career in IT, worked in dc ops, got tired of working in the cold aisle in a datacenter and moved to DevOps, automation and eventually backend developmen... -
Software engineer who's worked extensively in infrastructure and backend-focused roles.
WA - United States
I've worked in startups and bigger companies covering a wide variety of roles, from front-end React engineer to background job processing framework developer to supporting our home-rolled Kubernetes o... -
Experienced Senior Software Generalist
CA - United States Similar timezone
I am a developer with nearly 30 years of programming experience. From back-end work in Elixir, Ruby, Node, Python and more, to front-end work in React, Svelte, Vue, Elm, and good ol' plain JavaScript,... -
Senior Blockchain & Full Stack Developer
California - United State Similar timezone
I am a blockchain full stack developer with solid experience in blockchain and web3. As a senior blockchain dev, I have previously worked on so many DApps, Dex, Defi, NFT, P2E game , token Mint projec... -
Serial Entrepreneur, programmer/ creative hybrid, jack of all trades, master of some, prefer to see forest over the trees.
CA - United States Similar timezone
An innovator at heart and a maverick in spirit, I am the quintessential serial entrepreneur whose journey weaves through the vibrant threads of programming and creative endeavors. My career is a rich ... -
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