Hire top Remote Elixir developers in California
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs working remotely in California. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Remote Elixir developers from California or similar timezones
Experienced Senior Software Generalist
CA - United States
I am a developer with nearly 30 years of programming experience. From back-end work in Elixir, Ruby, Node, Python and more, to front-end work in React, Svelte, Vue, Elm, and good ol' plain JavaScript,... -
Software Engineer looking to solve interesting problems using powerful tools like Elixir!
Professional Journey I've navigated through various roles like Backend Engineer, Team Lead, and Dev Ops. The goal has always been about fostering a culture of learning and collaboration, ensuring that... -
Dynamic Software Developer with 15+ Years of Diverse Experience and a Specialization in Elixir and Healthcare Technology
TLDR: One of those developers that never stops learning and gets sh*t done. With a robust 15-year journey in software development, including seven dedicated years in Elixir, I present a blend of depth... -
Serial Entrepreneur, programmer/ creative hybrid, jack of all trades, master of some, prefer to see forest over the trees.
CA - United States
An innovator at heart and a maverick in spirit, I am the quintessential serial entrepreneur whose journey weaves through the vibrant threads of programming and creative endeavors. My career is a rich ... -
I'm an Elixir developer passionate about writing clear, educational content that bridges technical concepts with practical examples, focused on simplicity, scalability, and community-driven development.
CA - United States
I am a seasoned Elixir developer with expertise spanning the Phoenix framework, LiveView, and comprehensive knowledge in building modern, scalable applications. I am proficient in creating full-stack ... -
Productive and dedicated engineer
CA - United States
Engineer with 3+ years of Elixir experience. I get stuff done. Async processing of thousands of financial accounts using Kafka, Protobuf, & SQS Architected & led project to build new API for external ... -
Senior Backend Developer Available for Interesting Project
CA - United States
As a serial startup employee, I'm use to working in fast-paced environments where sh*t needs to get done and done fast. There's a thrill that comes from being able to launch or push out new features t... -
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