Hire top Remote Elixir developers in Pakistan
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs working remotely in Pakistan. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Remote Elixir developers from Pakistan or similar timezones
Elixir Engineer | Senior Software Engineer
Punjab - Pakistan
I have a deep understanding of the PETAL stack, with a focus on building scalable and concurrent applications using Phoenix, LiveView, Tailwind, and OTP. With a strong foundation in functional program... -
Software Engineer | Elixir | Phoenix | Liveview
Punjab - Pakistan
As a full-stack developer, having 2 years of experince, I have gained experince in the latest and new technologies like Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, Tailwind CSS, etc, which gives me the superpower to b... -
Elixir expert, building robust and scalable solutions.
Punjab - Pakistan
As a seasoned Elixir developer, I bring a passion for building scalable, concurrent, and fault-tolerant systems to the table. With extensive experience in Elixir and the Phoenix Framework, I excel in ... -
Versatile full-stack developer with a passion for solving complex problems and a knack for crafting elegant solutions.
Punjab - Pakistan
I'm an experienced software engineer with a strong background in building robust backend solutions using Elixir. A Proven track record of designing and implementing APIs (REST/GraphQL), optimizing p... -
I am Elixir Developer familiar with Erlang/Nodejs/Reactjs and the Phoenix Framework.
Sindh - Pakistan
I am a CS student and looking to obtain a position as a Responsive Web App Developer An individual with fast learning, highly- motivated, and eager to learn new technologies. I've been working in Reac... -
Backend Elixir Developer with Frontend (LiveView) expertise
Punjab - Pakistan
With 4 years of total experience in the world of software engineering, I've spent the past 3 years diving deep into the enchanting realms of Elixir, setting sail on the cutting-edge of technology to c... -
Full Stack Developer
Federal - Pakistan
As a seasoned Full Stack Developer with over 9 years of experience, I specialize in solving complex challenges in both server-side and web-client development. My expertise includes creating web servic... -
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