Hire top Elixir developers in Louisiana
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Louisiana. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Elixir developers in Louisiana or similar timezones
Seasoned career software engineer
I’m a 20+ year career software engineer who loves mission-focused work and really enjoys the Elixir software stack. I pursue education and public benefit side projects like teaching university courses... -
Veteran Alchemist, Adaptive Leader
NC - United States Similar timezone
I've been operating in Elixir and its community for +10 years, and performed every technical role on the career ladder in startups for +15 years. I'm open to new opportunities that marry these areas o... -
Product-Focused Fullstack Elixir Developer
MO - USA Similar timezone
I'm a software developer specializing in soft-real time systems, including collaborative document editing, game dev, networking, video streaming, and distributed command-and-control systems. I thrive ... -
Creator of IntelliJ Elixir; Lumen/FireFly and LiveViewNative Core Team alum
Minnesota - United States Similar timezone
I created the IntelliJ Elixir plugin in 2014 when Elixir was pre-1.0. Along the way I I've found bugs in the native Elixir implementation of the lexer and parser. To improve the experience for develop... -
Elixir/Phoenix developer with a focus on a11y
CO - USA Similar timezone
An experienced Elixir developer with a particular focus on Phoenix LiveView and accessibility (a11y). With over 5 years of experience in software development, including 3 years dedicated to mastering ... -
Senior Elixir Engineer
Texas - United States Similar timezone
As a Senior Software Engineer, I’m all about building blazing-fast,rock-solid systems with Elixir, Phoenix, and Erlang, powered by the mighty BEAM. I thrive on turning complex, distributed challenges ... -
Experienced software engineer and technical leader
MO - USA Similar timezone
BEAM enthusiast since 2008 Early employee at Basho Technologies, creators of the Riak NoSQL database Introduced CRDTs to the industry at StrangeLoop 2012 Built and scaled applications in Elixir at Com... -
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